⭐ Kom til Apalløkka – Lørdag 7 Mars ⭐

(English below)

Västerås kommer over grensen og Black River Rollers kommer nedover fra Hamar for å spille mot Oslo Roller Derby sitt B-lag, Tiger City Beast 🐯

⭐⭐⭐ P R O G R A M ⭐⭐⭐
14:00 Tiger City Beast 💥 Västerås Roller Derby
——-Open Skate—– kom å prøv quads skøyter
16:00 Tiger City Beast 💥 Black River Rollers

⭐⭐⭐ B I L L E T T E R ⭐⭐⭐
Billetter kr 100,-
Barn under 12 år går gratis

Det blir muligheter for kjøp av merch og Deng Roller Derby Shop vil være der og selge alt man trenger for å drive med rulleskøytesport.

Dessuten blir det loddsalg med mulighet for å vinne fine premier!

⭐⭐⭐ O P E N S K A T E ⭐⭐⭐
For alle som har lyst å prøve Quad Rulleskøyter
Vi har Skøyter, Beskyttelse & Hjelm til barn og voksne
Kom å prøv rulleskøyter med oss mellom kampene

⭐⭐⭐ P R A K T I S K ⭐⭐⭐
Vipps er foretrukket betalingsform, men vi håndterer cash også.

⭐⭐⭐ K I O S K ⭐⭐⭐
Et lokalt idrettslag fra Ammerud betjener kiosk i idrettshallen denne dagen.

⭐⭐⭐ A D K O M S T⭐⭐⭐
Bil: det er gratis parkering utenfor Apalløkka Idrettshall.

T-bane fra sentrum: ta linje 4 eller 5 mot Vestli til Ammerud t-bane. Følg merking fra t-bane opp til idrettshallen, ca 10 min gangavstand.

For buss og annen kollektivtransport se http://ruter.no/

⭐⭐⭐ R O L L E R D E R B Y ⭐⭐⭐

⭐ Roller Derby er en kontaktsport som utøves på rulleskøyter. På en oval, flat bane kjemper to lag om å ha den kjappeste poengsankeren og de beste blokkerne. Roller derby er beinhard idrett og stor underholdning på en gang. Og det er nesten like moro å se på som det er å spille.

⭐ Vi spiller etter WFTDAs regelsett for flat track roller derby. Besøk WFTDAs YouTube-kanal om du har lyst til å lære mer om Roller, se kamper og/eller få regel-forklaring. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheWFTDA

⭐ Oslo Roller Derby har to konkurrerende lag; Oslo Roller Derby (A-lag) og Tiger City Beasts (B-lag).

⭐⭐⭐ O F F I C I A L S C L I N I C ⭐⭐⭐

ORD is hosting a skating officials clinic on March 7 and 8, 2020, run by a Level 2 certified Referee, Peter Park’em.

This clinic is open to officials with some game experience, from rookie to intermediate level, that would like to evolve their officiating.

The clinic will provide some insight on Head Reffing, especially during events, and the use of discretion from captains meeting to game scenarios.

During the weekend, officials will work on- and off-skates on both Saturday and Sunday.

The bootcamp will also take advantage of the two games hosted by ORD as a learning opportunity for the involved skating officials.

Get all the latest insides on footwork exercises and drills that you can easily practice on your own and share with your league!

ℹ️ Where: Oslo

📅 When: March 7th and 8th, 2020

🆓 Cost: FREE !!!!!!

📝 Apply here! https://bit.ly/2OtORYp

OBS: If you are a skating official affiliated with a Norwegian league, you can apply to the NSF (Norges Skøyteforbund) for financial support. A grant of 1000 KRR, per skating official, is available to support your travel expenses.

➡️ The schedule: https://bit.ly/2RYz9GI

Coach’s bio: Peter Park’em is a Level 2 certified Referee that started his career in late 2011 with Bear City Roller Derby in Berlin, Germany. He has since then officiated over 200 games in more than 15 countries all over the world, gaining experience in every position as a skating referee. He has been chosen to be the tournament head referee for multiple events, including several national championships. He has also been tirelessly sharing his knowledge with other officials across Europe either at bootcamps or at games.


––––>> ENGLISH <<––––

⭐⭐⭐ P R O G R A M ⭐⭐⭐

2 PM Tiger City Beast 💥 Västerås Roller Derby
——-Open Skate—– come try Quad Skates
4 PM Tiger City Beast 💥 Black River Rollers

⭐⭐⭐ T I C K E T S ⭐⭐⭐
Tickets 100kr
Free entry children under the age of 12

There will be opportunities to buy merch and the Deng Roller Derby Shop will be there selling everything you need to do roller skating.

In addition, there will be lottery sales with the opportunity to win nice prizes!

⭐⭐⭐ O P E N S K A T E ⭐⭐⭐
For all who want to try Quad Roller Skates
We have Skates, Pads & Helmets for all ages
Come and skate with us in between the two Games

⭐⭐⭐ P R A C T I C A L ⭐⭐⭐
Vipps is the preferred form of payment, but we also handle cash.

⭐⭐⭐ K I O S K ⭐⭐⭐
A local sports club will have an open kiosk at the venue.

⭐⭐⭐ G E T T I N G T H E R E ⭐⭐⭐
Car: There is free parking outside available outside Apalløkka sports hall.

Subway/ T-bane: Take line 4 or 5 (Direction Vestli)to the stop ‘Ammerud’. Follow the signs from the subway up to the sports center, about a 10 minute walk away.

For bus and other public transport see http://ruter.no/

⭐⭐⭐ R O L L E R D E R B Y ⭐⭐⭐

⭐Roller Derby is a contact sport on quad roller skates. On an oval, flat track two teams compete to score the most points and have the best blockers. Roller derby is both a tough and entertaining sport, and it’s almost just as fun to watch as it is to play.

⭐ORD plays according to the WFTDA’s rules for flat track roller derby. Visit WFTDA’s Youtube channel here to learn more about the sport, the rules and watch bouts:

⭐Oslo Roller Derby has two competing teams: Oslo Roller Derby (A Team) and the Tiger City Beasts (B Team).

⭐⭐⭐ O F F I C I A L S C L I N I C ⭐⭐⭐

ORD is hosting a skating officials clinic on March 7 and 8, 2020, run by a Level 2 certified Referee, Peter Park’em.

This clinic is open to officials with some game experience, from rookie to intermediate level, that would like to evolve their officiating.

The clinic will provide some insight on Head Reffing, especially during events, and the use of discretion from captains meeting to game scenarios.

During the weekend, officials will work on- and off-skates on both Saturday and Sunday.

The bootcamp will also take advantage of the two games hosted by ORD as a learning opportunity for the involved skating officials.

Get all the latest insides on footwork exercises and drills that you can easily practice on your own and share with your league!

ℹ️ Where: Oslo

📅 When: March 7th and 8th, 2020

🆓 Cost: FREE !!!!!!

📝 Apply here! https://bit.ly/2OtORYp

OBS: If you are a skating official affiliated with a Norwegian league, you can apply to the NSF (Norges Skøyteforbund) for financial support. A grant of 1000 KRR, per skating official, is available to support your travel expenses.

➡️ The schedule: https://bit.ly/2RYz9GI

Coach’s bio: Peter Park’em is a Level 2 certified Referee that started his career in late 2011 with Bear City Roller Derby in Berlin, Germany. He has since then officiated over 200 games in more than 15 countries all over the world, gaining experience in every position as a skating referee. He has been chosen to be the tournament head referee for multiple events, including several national championships. He has also been tirelessly sharing his knowledge with other officials across Europe either at bootcamps or at games.