Note we will have limited places open this season! Sign up fast!

Sign up:
(will redirect to a NIF sign in page to create a user)
Start Date: September 13th (deadline for sign up is September 12th)

The Details:

Beginners Group:

The beginners group is the place to learn everything you need to know about skating and roller derby, getting you ready for the upper level training. This means both learning how to skate and learning the basics of roller derby (rules and game play).

Training Times: 

4 hours per week but will change between the following days:

Mondays & Thursdays 20.30 to 22.30 @Apalløkka idrettshall

Some Sundays 10-12.00 @Haugenstua idrettshall

Note that all training times and locations are subject to Covid rule and hall opening changes.


1200kr (cost covers training fees up to January*) + 270kr skøyteforbundet lisens fee (cost covers up to August)
*The season ends when the school halls close for the holidays. A new fee will be posted for January-June.

Cost includes membership to Oslo Roller Derby. 


We require you to have your own gear. 

  • Quad skates (that are rated for derby) 
  • Helmet
  • Knee Pads 
  • Wrist Guards 
  • Elbow Pads 
  • Mouth Guard 
  • Fabric covers for your knee pads 

Age Limit: 

You must be 18 years or older to sign up. Younger? Contact us for more info. 

Rental Gear Info:

Leie derbypakke, eller kjøpe startpakke hos


Booking av time for å komme å leie, eller kjøpe, utstyr kan gjøres på

Ønsker du å kjøpe anbefales det å komme innom butikken så raskt som mulig, da det *kan* være noe leveringstid på diverse utstyr – og i så tilfelle så prøver vi å ordne låneutstyr frem til det kjøpte utstyret kommer.

Jo raskere man kommer seg til butikken jo større sjangs for at vi har utstyr i riktig størrelse tilgjengelig.

Det er *ikke* mulig å bestille leiepakke på nett, kun oppmøte i butikk med prøvings, og utstyret får man med seg når man er på besøk, så Pro Tip er å ta med en sekk eller bag til å ha utstyret i.

Kjøp av startpakke anbefaler vi også å komme innom butikken for å gjøre, da det bør prøves for størrelser før man bestiller (+ at kjøp av startpakker på nett ikke er satt opp ennå, siden det må skrives litt viktig info så man finner riktig størrelse på egenhånd).


Pris for leie av Komplett derbypakke: 500,-

Pris for tannbeskytter: 290,-

Pris for kjøp av startpakke: 3999,- for oppgradert pakke med gode cushions og ordentlige derbyhjul

Pris for kjøp av startpakke med litt dårligere hjul: 3599,- (denne anbefales egentlig ikke da hjulene er for glatte, men er inkludert her så man kan sammenligne med lignende pakker fra utenlandske nettbutikker som selger denne derbypakka som standard.


Det er mulig å leie bare deler av pakka hvis man har noe utstyr selv:

  • Skøyter: 250,-
  • Hjelm: 100,-
  • Albue: 50,-
  • Kne: 50,-
  • Håndleddsbeskytter: 50,-

Spørsmål om leie, evt. kjøp, kan sendes på mail til

Other source for gear:
Used gear in Norway can be found on this FB group:

More fine details:

Knee pad covers…. There are a lot of ways to cover your knee pads, as long as it is fabric touching the ground and not the hard cap. Tights are the most popular. Here is a video, of one example from an old teammate

Derby Rated Skates? How do I know if my skates work? High heeled leisure skates and cheap “toy skates” (most come with non adjustable toe stops) are not fit for derby! If you are ordering outside of Deng and are questioning if you have picked out a derby rated skate, please contact us before ordering! If they are super cheap, they are most likely “too good to be true”. They might work for the beginning of the beginners program but will cause problems when we start contact.

Skate size: skates should be snug on your feet. Your toes should be touching the top without curling your toes. You do not want your feet sliding around in your skates. If buying, we recommend trying on the skate if possible. 

Wheels: Quad skate wheels come in different hardnesses (duro). We change our wheels for different floors to give ourselves enough movement or slide on the floor. For the floors you will be skating on this season. We recommend hardnesses between 88-93. The smaller the number, the more grip you will have. Your body weight also plays a factor in how much grip you will get. Most of the time the wheels that come with your skates are way too grippy, making it hard to stop on the floor we skate on.

Toe Stops: We require non marking toe stops. Most cheaper derby skates come with marking toe stops. Gumball brand and Jupiter toe stops are a popular choice of non marking toe stops.

Confused about everything now? We highly recommend talking to Deng Roller Derby Shop here in Oslo to get gear 🙂 Not only does he create starter packs that check all the required boxes (correct wheel hardness for our floor and non marking toe stops), he also has a physical store where you can check out the gear before buying. There are also a limited number of ORD starter packs that can be rented via Deng. Contact Deng at or to ask questions or set up a time to visit his shop!